Stress Management
Every individual feel stress in his
life. It is natural to feel stress in different situations like, students take
stress of their studies, employee take stress of their respective JD’s and
other like that. To felt or take stress is normal but if you felt more so, this
may harmful for daily life because, it may significantly impact on our daily
life like, our thinking style, how to react in different situation and our
behave towards other.
What is stress?
It can be defined “any type of change that causes physical,
emotional or psychological strain. Stress is your body's response to anything
that requires attention or action.
Symptoms of stress:
During stress individuals may suffer from these
psychological and physical mentioned symptoms:
Psychological Symptoms
Ø Mood Swings
Ø Sleep decrease,
Insomnia or difficulty to staying asleep
Ø Poor
Ø Obsessive or
compulsive behavior
Ø Anger
Ø Irritability
Ø Anxious
Ø Mental health
issue if existing may worse
Ø Worried or
Ø Feel constantly
Ø Weight
changing: weights lose or weight gain
Ø Headache
Ø Constipation
Ø Digestive issue
Ø High blood
Ø Muscle tension
Why stress management is important?
We have already known that stress is normal and
every single individual face stress in his/ her daily life but here, the
important thing is that how to learn the management of stress.
Risk factors
connected with Eexcessive Stress
Already we read about stress upper that how
stress is associated with our physical and mental health. A study purpose that
stress is as bad as any individual smoke 5 cigarettes per day. Other risk
factors which are associated with stress are as under:
Burnout is a result of consistent
stress or you can say consistent stress leads to burnout. Gallup said; found in
study that 8 people out of 10 experience burnouts at least one time.
High Blood Pressure or heart disease
According to American heart specialists stress
may cause really serious long term health consequences. While in stress
situation our heart rate increase then normal situations. Problem is not that
increase your heart rate but not good if this persists more days. this can put
pressure on your heart so, it leads to high blood pressure and other heart
diseases as well.
Poor physical health
When your body
feel stress or while during stress thoughts are in “flights or fights” mood.
Which reduce your mental and body capacity and did not work properly. Stress
relates your endocrine glands, the glands responsible for your hormonal health.
You very well know that glands are more important for your body and mentally as
well so, imbalance of these glands may lead physical diseases.
How to deal with stress at home?
Home should be a preserve place. But our homes
may actually one of the most important
sources of stress in our daily lives. Instance, you might be face
struggle to build relationship with a family member or neighbors, even
financial crisis in your daily routine life. Here are some ideas which may help
to deal with stress at homes.
Speak for yourself
In many homes siblings
and some time parents did not treat as you deserve and some time mistreat to
you then you must speak up for yourself. Let them know that how their behaviors
are affecting your life? So, communication is utmost important here discuss
your problems, find the solution and reduce the level of stress at home.
Action planning
Everyone in his/her
routine life face stress. Here if you have any stress, plan about that stress
fine problem and take action against the problem. this will reduce your stress
level at anywhere even at homes. You must learn that how to solve a problem.
solving it may give you the sense of satisfaction also.
Become organized
if you are disorganized this will disturb your
daily life and you may fell stress as well. So, be organized yourself to avoid
stresses. you must do their duties on time and in organizing ways.
Time for your self
You must have
time for your-self. If you have a separate room or find a space and dedicate
full time for self. Where no-one disturb you and you may
feel free to talk your-self.
Stress management at work.
job holder or for working individuals work is a big stressor in their lives. In
many researches findings show that stress level on work stations is always
remains. Stressors remains at workplace but, it depends on individual that how
it perceives. he/she takes positive or may in negative. If he/she take positive
he/she will manage it otherwise will face hurdles. It effects your health so,
minimize the stress at work place.
Here are some suggestions to manage stress at work.
Understand the Expectations
that what any institute expect from you and this will fulfil your role at work
place. To know your expectations is key role to less your stress at work place
so, be ensure or clarify your job descriptions from your seniors or
Avoid multitasking
at work place leads to stress. Because it is tough to do tow or more task at
same time so, keep avoid multitasking. This may also can cause stress.
Avoid conflicts
are always stressors it may at home or work place. Avoid conflicts at work
place is necessary to avoid stress although there are many people you meet at
work place which are not understand you and vice versa. So, keep avoiding
conflicts at work place.
keep comfort
at work place leads to stress so, set your work station and even your
surrounding comfortable to avoid stress at work place.
About Stress management Techniques you can read in link below
or in psychotherapies sections.